Love cooking? Then our traditional style Teppanyaki BBQ is the perfect addition to your outdoor entertaining or kitchen.
If you love to cook and don't want to miss out on all of the fun while cooking for your guests our traditional style Teppanyaki BBQ is made for you.
This BBQ is made here in Australia and was designed with home chefs and passionate cooking enthusiasts in mind.
It is constructed from a high quality 316 marine grade stainless steel body and comes with the option of a 5CR12 or Duplex grade cooking plate.
Ideal for searing steak or grilling vegetables our Teppanyaki BBQ style is called “traditional” due to the cooking plate being 18mm to 20mm thick.
With this thickness the plate takes around 10-15 minutes to heat up and the food can be cooked at a lower and more controlled temperature, rather than cooking on a thinner plate like a regular BBQ with only a 3mm plate.
The plate is heated via a dual ring burner, which heats the plate from the centre meaning the plate gets hot in the middle of the BBQ and warmer towards the outside edges.
When food is placed on the cooking surface the heat is maintained through the plate unlike thinner plates where the heat is zapped out relatively quickly.
Unlike a restaurant grade Teppanyaki BBQ that have an exposed underside, our Teppanyaki BBQ is fully enclosed. This means the burner is protected from the wind and elements will last much longer.